Welcome! Hyper Suprime-Cam Legacy Archive (HSCLA) is a public archive of processed, science-ready data from HSC taken as part of PI-based programs. Currently, the data from the first year of science operations, 2014, are available. We plan to process data taken in subsequent years and provide them here in the near future. Note that data from Subaru Strategic Program (SSP) are not included in the HSCLA at this point. The SSP data are served separately from this site. We plan to include the SSP data in the HSCLA once the survey is over and final data release from SSP comes out.

We used the same data processing pipeline as HSC-SSP PDR2 (hscPipe v.6). The quality and nature of the processed data are therefore identical to HSC-SSP and we encourage the users to refer to the HSC-SSP PDR2 website, in particular the known issues and FAQs. A variety of photometric and astrometric QA tests for HSCLA can be found in the AVAILABLE DATA page. Go to DATA ACCESS page for links to our data. If you use the HSCLA data in your publications, please acknowledge us! See the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT page for details.

Feel free to contact us with any questions, requests, and bug reports at hscla-contact@ml.nao.ac.jp

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